The Blog
is one of the many ways to get a sneak peek into my world.
5 Transformations to Attract your Ideal Client Today
Everyone wants ideal clients. There are millions (if not billions) of people on the earth buying things at any given time. Yet as someone working with entrepreneurs every day, the most common complaints I hear are: "I just can’t attract ideal clients…" "I keep getting...
For every five academic articles and reviews I pitched to journals, I wrote…
…Maybe one. Were you expecting the brave story of the author who sent out 100 articles, only to finally have one accepted? I was not that brave. I was not writing one only because one was accepted - I’m only talking here about the ones that were accepted. I’m...
4 Signs that your Business is not Built on a Foundation of Inner Success
Ever heard “other people have it worse”? Maybe you’ve told yourself that too: suck it up, buttercup - other people have it worse. Be. Grateful. Be. Grateful. Be. Grateful. When I was sad as a child - which was a lot - I used to get shut in my room: “Don’t you...
Remember who you really are
Imposter syndrome is the consequence of forgetting who you really are It's time to REMEMBERYou are not What you want from tomorrow, What you thought last week, What you had yesterday, Or the inner child inside, Still playing hide and seek. You are not What you...
A Letter to Someone Who Hit Me (when we were kids)
Letter 14: To someone who hit me (when we were kids) You are not the obvious choice for this letter. The obvious choice would be my ex-husband. Or maybe my mum. But you were four or five, and so was I, and it so happens our exchange is one of my earliest memories. It...
A Letter to Someone Who Mentored Me
Letter 11: to someone who mentored me This letter is hard to write, and I realise it’s because it consigns you to the past, and it’s difficult to do that. You were perhaps the single greatest positive influence in my life, just simply by being you. It's also the...
A Letter to Someone Who Listened to Me
Letter 12: To Someone who Listened to Me TW: Abuse, graphic self-harm, suicide. Your eyes, ice blue, scanned like a vulture’s. Saw the abuse already in my life and knew how to draw the poison out with sweet words and small favours. You promised to keep my secrets...
A Letter to Someone Who Loved Me
Day 10: To someone who loved me. This one was so hard. And cathartic. TW Self-harm, alcohol abuse, suicide attempt. We were 17, and we loved each other. A deep, crazy traumatic love, where we played out all our fears and self-loathing; 18 months of back-to-back...
A Letter to Someone I Worked Beside
Letter 9: A Letter to someone I worked beside. Specifically, a stripper whose real name I never actually knew. Destiny, I’d be lying if I said I still think about you often, but I do remember you. Earlier today, I was telling a client about my early 20s, my stripper...
A Letter to Someone I Lied To
Letter 8: A letter to someone I lied to This letter is to everyone I lied to until age 29. Which is everyone. Every. Single. Person. They were not unintentional lies. Nor were they intentional on my part. They were not my lies at all. They might well have been 100...
A Letter to Someone Who Witch Hunted Me
Letter 7: A letter to someone who witch-hunted me. I was fifteen when you asked me out. I remember you were a little younger, but with your older sister and single mum, and my repression and trauma, you were miles ahead of me in so many ways. I’d met you in the death...
A Letter to Someone Who Diminished Me
Letter 5: A letter to someone who diminished me Dear Boss, You fired me when I was 17. You’d decided - based on four shifts - that I had no potential and that it was your job to spell that out for me. I cried because I believed you didn’t see anything you liked, in...
“I saw a family friend the other day and she was like wow, you seem so different, so happy and relaxed and just glowing. And I immediately thought, that’s how Rachel seemed to me after her first month with you and exactly why I decided to work with you! <3”
“I’m just watching ‘this is your time’. It’s taking me ages because I’m taking so many notes. On the one about the panopticon at the moment. Soooooo interesting.”
“Hands down the best results I’ve ever gotten with a coach has been working with Dr Morgana McCabe Allan. I’ve made more progress in my business in just 4 months working with her than I have in the last 6 years.”