Morgana Creates incredible and lasting transformations

for her clients through her group and 1:1 programs. Read some of the stories below from her clients to learn more about their experiences.

Client Transformations

Nicole Prentice

Sobriety Focused Life Coach/Certified EFT and Breathwork Practitioner

How Nicole 5x-ed her income, got consistently fully booked with dream clients and secured her aligned, dynamic and thriving business through a journey of truth, self discovery, happiness and wholeness and a very simple strategy she can scale.

“She has taught me to be successful with joy at the same time, without the hustle. To really expand from a place of joy rather than grind or push.”

Rose Radford, The Evergreen Queen

Case Study – Clare Sente

Shame was crippling Clare’s business.


It took years for Clare to discover her purpose in life was to help women learn to love themselves and experience pleasure. Despite that calling she faced huge obstacles – a car wreck, a divorce, enormous credit card debt, COVID lockdowns, and losing her house – Clare knew she had to make her business work.

Morgana helped Clare identify exactly where her shame came from and how to release it. She showed Clare how to identify limiting beliefs and money mindset struggles and overcome them. After their work together, Clare was able to:


  • Release the shame holding her back
  • Create, launch, and fill a brand new program
  • Manifest $39,000 in a day
  • Have the best year in business ever

“She is completely amazing and has totally changed my life.”

Marissa Waite, web designer

How Dr. Morgana McCabe Allan Helped Gina Miller Grow Her Facebook Group By 800% And Increased Her Leads By 400% In 3 Months

Sharing my experience of our meditation on Monday. It was insane!!!! I’ve done future self type visualisations before and always found them extremely moving but this was something else entirely and something I did not anticipate. When you told us to step together and step into our future selves. I can’t even believe it now. I felt like my body was being overtaken. Like someone was stepping into my body. I couldn’t even breathe but not in a scary way, I didn’t breathe for such a long time. I just felt like I was expanding and expanding. It was mad and amazing and then afterwards I just had this need to pick up my pen and had zero clue what I was writing and I just wrote all this stuff about my higher purpose and why I am here. I’ve felt completely different since.

In a REALLY good way.

All the feelings I’ve brought to mindset calls and the retreat around not being good enough, not being successful and that real hustle energy that was leading me to burn out had gone. I’ve worked on the sofa the last few days where I feel comfortable. I’ve watched TV, drank tea, gone for a walk and done housework in the middle of my work day. Before I would have pushed myself to work and it wouldn’t have felt good. I feel totally different. The joy and ease and flow is here!

Lizzy, Food Freedom Health Coach, owner of LuvHealth.

How Dr Morgana McCabe Allan helped Jane Mann transform her business, 10x her income and manifest an amazing home, husband and enviable work life balance.

Jane Mann, Somatic Coach

How Dr Morgana McCabe Allan helped Michelle Crowder-Soellner recognise her worth and build her confidence to make connections which  transformed her business, multiplied her clients and increased her revenue.

Michelle Crowder-Soellner, copywriter, consultant and copy mentor

“I’m sharing a win, I made more money this week in my business than on any other offer last year. And it was so easy. This money river is flowing today! I’m only $700 away from hitting my new monthly goal and it’s only the 2nd of the month!”

Elena Saxton

Coach for Artisans

Morgana McCabe Allan is incredibly wise yet personable, revolutionary yet relational, and I’m so grateful to have had the opportunity to be mentored through mindset calls with her. I will be hearing her words in my head for years to come!

Danielle Bettmann

Host of Failing Motherhood Podcast

“I signed my first client!! {…} I showed up on the call fully present, gave her everything I could and I told her I want to offer her a 3 month package where I will honour the free sessions I had posted about within the price point. And she signed up! 🙂 “



How Dr Morgana McCabe Allan helped Suzanne Hughes attract dream clients, align her business practice with her ambitions and desires, hugely reduce her working hours and massively increase her quality of life (all whilst also significantly increasing her income)

"Everything flows so much easier. I no longer have to do sales calls because they just feel so natural and my business is at the next level, so I'm really happy that I made the decision to work with her."

Gina Miller

How Dr. Morgana McCabe Allan Helped Laura Stronach Adams 6x Her Income And Manifest Her Dream Business

“Morgana has a gentle way of asking the right questions and reflecting back to you, to ensure you move through your mindset or money blocks and go away feeling more confident and empowered to take action on something you were previously stuck on which stopped you from moving forward in your business or life. I highly recommend working with Morgana if something is holding you back and you’re not quite sure what…or you think you know – often it’s not that and Morgana helps guide you to the real root of the cause. Thank you, Morgana. 🙏💖”

Clare Farthing

Thanks to Morgana, I made it through the most challenging moments of my first year of business AND was able to develop deep, beautiful friendships with humans all over the globe. My work with her has had some other awesome general life benefits which would take too long to list individually, but the main idea is, she’s helped me sort through years of cultural programming that weren’t serving me at all so that I could do things I had only dreamed of doing. She truly deeply cares about each and every one of her clients and acts as a guide and mirror to help us tap into our own wholeness and power. Thank you, Morgana McCabe Allan!

Michelle Crowder-Soellner

Conscientious Copy

“Ever since we started working together, I’ve felt so much better. Learning more about manifestation has made me feel so much more complete and aligned in my whole life. I’ve always felt something was missing and also been more of a spiritual person I think. I feel like there was this huge missing piece that’s here now.”

Marissa Waite

Web Designer

"She is amazing. It's like having a business mentor and a therapist all rolled into one. She helped me with a lot of things that I was struggling with for a really long time mentally that were blocking me from showing up in my business. "

Brooke Banta, web designer

How Morgana helped Elena Saxton double her income, launch an aligned group program, own her success, and slay her inner doubts

How How Dr. Morgana McCabe Allen helped Isa-Welly create a high-ticket offer and sell £12k ($17k) before officially launching

“I saw a family friend the other day and she was like wow, you seem so different, so happy and relaxed and just glowing. And I immediately thought, that’s how Rachel seemed to me after her first month with you and exactly why I decided to work with you! <3”

Marissa Waite

Marissa Waite Creative

“I’m just watching ‘this is your time’. It’s taking me ages because I’m taking so many notes. On the one about the panopticon at the moment. Soooooo interesting.”

Katrina Lear

Freckle + Hide

“Hands down the best results I’ve ever gotten with a mentor has been working with Dr Morgana McCabe Allan. I’ve made more progress in my business in just 4 months working with her than I have in the last 6 years.”

Malinda Watt

Web Designer