Transformational business mentoring

Where soul discovery and strategy meet.

For purpose-driven, high-performing entrepreneurs

Where soul-deep work
and business strategy meet for massive, magical results 

What if I told you that everything you believe about creating success is wrong? 


We tend to believe that the reason we haven’t created the business or the results that we want yet is that there is something wrong with us. 

But really, it’s just the opposite. 

YOU are the key to your infinite and wonderful success. You are the North Star. 

You just have to find out who you really are. 

Our reality is relational and crafted by our generational memories and traumas, our societal history and conditioning, and so much more. Our way of being in the world is co-created and shaped by all those external forces – past and present. In these conditions, it’s normal to lose sight of who you really are underneath it all. 

When you can find your way back to safety within yourself – trusting your judgment, believing in your ability to navigate the best path for you – that is where success comes with ease and joy.

Most mentors focus on business strategy OR mindset work, messaging OR inner healing.


My interdisciplinary approach – based on decades of academic research, lived experience as a neurodiverse woman with an invisible disability in male-dominated fields, and years of working with entrepreneurs from zero to six, seven, and eight figures – encompasses the deep inner work you need to step into your role as a CEO and the business strategy you need to create massive success.

Conscious Reality Design™

is an elite mentoring experience for business owners who are ready to create impact and wealth – outside of the patriarchal “norms.”

This intensive, 6-month mentoring program is a powerful and transformative experience, lovingly curated through a deep insight of diverse academic disciplines and trail-blazing techniques.

It incorporates unique skills and ways of engaging with time, people, places and material things combined with proven, practical business tools and strategies that work whether you’re starting at zero or have already made your first million.

Building your business is the simple part. Doing the work to become the person you want and need to be is where you’ll put in the most effort.

My four-step framework begins by focusing on deep inner work that allows you to step into the most vibrant version of yourself – the one you never thought you could be. The version of yourself who knows their worth, creates from a deep well of trust and cultivated knowledge, and who feels confident in running a massively successful business.

“Morgana is so aligned with herself that she allows me to be really honest and authentic. I always thought I had to work so hard to be successful. She helped me create ease around serving my clients, like using my gifts and talents to the best of my ability. A lot of mentors pretend to do that, but Morgana is really good at creating authentic manifesting in your business. She will always be my go-to for showing up as my best self, manifesting, and being true. She’s the boss of that shit.”

Isa-Welly Locoh-Donou

“Morgana is a ROCK STAR in her field. I have worked with Morgana, and she has helped me to quickly shift my mindset to achieve better results in my life and business. She has helped me deal with fast business growth and the growing pains that come with it, so that my company can keep up with the growth. Morgana can get you to a First Class Resilient CEO styled mindset so that you can quickly adapt to changes in life and your growing business.”

Kristi Peek

Working with Morgana, I have gone through massive shifts, first and foremost in my perception of myself. Knowing and owning my own value, I stepped up and up, and, knowing I deserved something amazing, I went out believing in myself. Now I hold an executive level position in a company that lights my soul on fire. I’m being paid more than I ever dreamed possible to do a job I didn’t dream even existed. It’s so perfect for me. I’m not finished leveling up yet. Now I know how full of joy my life can be!


My clients have . . .

  • Manifested more than $2 million in 2021 alone
  • Fallen in love with their businesses and themselves
  • Manifested everything from money to houses to relationships
  • Created businesses that are soul-aligned with their purpose AND scaled those businesses sustainably, profitably, and ethically
  • Doubled their prices and created new containers that have tripled their business and more

And we also see results you can’t measure with money, like . .

  • More and better sex! (Seriously, they all report it, though it’s NOT what we are working on – it’s just a happy side effect of being aligned and having time and energy)
  • Managing your energy better and losing weight (again, not what we are working on, but comes from knowing your value)
  • Feeling braver because you trust yourself
  • Feeling like you need less sleep, and it’s easier to get up in the morning
  • Better relationships with other people around you because people the best you can bring out the best in others
  • Improved self-care and body and image confidence because you understand the body’s role in manifesting and sustaining your success

Ready to step into your role

as CEO and claim the business you were born to build?

Creating transformative business results 

begins long before the strategy and marketing 


When I work with clients, we start with the deep work that many mentors aren’t equipped or willing to dig into, but this is the most essential work for high-performers who want to create businesses that want to create soul-aligned businesses.

We work in five stages that shift your societal, familial, and cultural conditioning, so you can operate and navigate your business from a place of deep self-trust and alignment with your body, mind, heart, and soul.

Soul Wisdom

Unbecoming, Self- Trust


One of the very first things we’ll work on is self-discovery and deconditioning your mind to deepen internal safety. This creates a success foundation based upon committing, honouring and being loyal to yourself with high integrity.

Self-knowledge and internal safety (at the body, mind, heart, and soul levels) is essential because the dreams that you have for yourself are formed inside the framework of what feels real to you. If you feel unsafe, your goals will always be connected to the illusion of safety from outside.

When you feel safe from the inside, you see your true capacity and the incredible vision you’re truly called to and how to guide yourself there. Our work together helps you unlearn the pieces that hold you back and form new ways of being that embrace your safety from within, your amazing abilities and the magical life and business you’re really here to create.

Body Wisdom

Significance and Belonging, Joy, freedom & ease blueprint


Belief lives in the body, but western society is founded on the belief that the mind (constructed as masculine) is more valuable than the body (constructed as feminine). Together we’ll work on this balance and reconnecting with body so that you can receive deeper insight into your personal path to joy, freedom and ease and believe in yourself in new ways. 

This is essential to manifest profound experiences of belonging and significance, the two primary drivers of social success. We currently live in a paradigm that says they are opposite poles. So, if you want more significance, huge fear comes up that you’ll lose your belonging. 

The shift we’ll make is to help you understand and believe that you have 100% of the belonging and significance from within yourself, by reconnecting to and listening to your own being. This is also the first and most important step in attracting your soulmate clients and maintaining your business and personal wellbeing through integrity and healthy boundaries.

Heart Wisdom

Heal your story, Creative courage


The third piece of our work together looks at the actualization of your healing into your voice in a way that allows you to share your true story with others, calling in your soul-mate clients.

Beyond a strategic marketing message (which we will do), this piece goes a step deeper because it is the exploration of your zone of genius and the story of your truth that we activate the higher parts of yourself where you’ve already witnessed your own healing and growth, and are ready for incredible expansion. This is where you reconnect to your wholeness and the deep heartwork begins to meet with the strategy and marketing of your business.

Mind Wisdom

Crafting and executing simple, organic strategies that work


In the fourth area of our work together, we take all of the deep deconditioning, body, heart, and soul work and bring your clarified mind into the process to create a strategy you love. One designed to get your message out in a way that feels good, sustainable, and filled with ease. 

We’ll focus on simple, time-honored, organic principles of business that my clients have used to 2X – 10X their businesses. We work on visibility that feels good, energy work that connects you to same-frequency, high-vibe clients, and sharing from a place of authenticity.

Hive Wisdom

Staying the course and securing your transformation


Bringing it all together to secure your new uplevel is an integrative, relational process of intentionally connecting with with the people, places, ideas, emotions and actions (and more) that build your confidence, community and the contribution that matters to you.

Part of the amazing success of Dr. Morgana’s programmes comes from being in relationship with others who are also creating their own soul-fuelled business transformations. Unlike most mentors in the industry, Morgana offers a 1:1 client community and connects clients with one another and with her extended network in ways that create ongoing valuable relationships for all parties, from BFFs to clients, to referral partners and even business partners.

This helps you to really lock into your next level and secure it as your lived reality, so that you don’t have those amazing moments of success, only to retreat back into your dark night again. Being witnessed and having other see and value your contribution is so empowering and magical!

Let’s create your soul-driven, purpose-filled business – together

I’m Morgana, 

transformational business and manifesting mentor 


I work with frustrated business owners who are ready to fall deeply and madly in love with themselves and their businesses. Together, we work to release the doubts, fear, and limiting beliefs holding you back from attracting perfect-fit clients you wish you could clone, raising your rates, and getting fully booked. 

As a child, I was fascinated by magic, and when it came time for my PhD, I scrapped most of what the academic world thought I should do and dedicated my thesis to exploring how we co-create our experience of reality and identity in relationship with every person, place, animal, thing, idea, social contract behavior, and emotion. 

My years in academia, both as a researcher and supporting undergraduates and postgraduates in high level conversations and to maximise their transformational skills is one of the foundations for my interdisciplinary approach to mentorship and business strategy. And it’s led me to creating a life I could never have imagined as a child. And it’s my honor to help creative, spiritual, high-performing entrepreneurs do the same.

Frequently Asked Questions

What all is included in the 1:1 Package?
  • (12) 60-minute one-on-one calls with me (2 calls per month)
  • (6) 60-minute one-on-one calls with an associate practitioner (1 per month)
  • Unlimited access to me via messenger, Google Docs (for collaboration and creating materials), and email between calls so that we can work through anything that comes up and get you to your results faster 
  • Access to the mini and full versions of my signature course Wealth Wisdom, designed to help you understand the energetics of money, create safety around manifesting money, and how you can create abundance around you. This course includes lots of bonus content, including amazing workbooks and guest experts sessions on everything from breathwork to money management to manifesting with crystals.
  • Access to my course Quantum Entrepreneurship where you’ll learn how to create abundance with your whole self by exploring the eight pieces along the Wheel of Manifestation, how to create content and co-create with other soul-lead entrepreneurs, and create embodiment practices, so you can step into who you were always meant to be. 
  • Access to a minimum of two group mentoring calls per month
Who is the perfect-fit for this 1:1 experience?
  • This experience is perfect for service-based entrepreneurs with an online business, such as coaches and therapists, web designers and copywriters etc. 
  • Entrepreneurs who have experienced trauma, have worked successfully with a therapist, and are looking for the next step in their personal discovery and development. We do a significant amount of unlearning old patterns and cultural stigmas, and my clients who get the best results are open to and embrace doing that work. 
  • Spiritual entrepreneurs (whether you’re religious or not – the important piece is spiritual connectivity) who are ready to feel more in alignment with their soul purpose
  • Entrepreneurs who have experienced success in their previous careers or academia and are committed to and ready to create a successful business they’re passionate about
This 1:1 experience is NOT a great fit for...
  • MLMs or programs where the entrepreneur is not creating something original for themselves and is committed to selling someone else’s work
  • Anyone who would experience extreme financial hardship by joining (I will never suggest my clients sell your car or take our credit cards to join.)  
  • Entrepreneurs who are fundamentally not aligned with creating and selling high ticket products and services.
  • Anyone not open to a deep transformative change (because it really is going to happen)
What is the investment?
  • The 1:1 mentoring package is a low five-figure investment that includes (18) 60-minute calls, unlimited support between calls, access to Morgana’s signature programs, and access to group mentoring calls. Other programmes with lower investments, including working 1:1 with an associate practitioner are also available and can be discussed during your application call.

How Dr. Morgana McCabe Allan Helped Gina Miller Grow Her Facebook Group By 800% And Increased Her Leads By 400% In 3 Months

How Dr. Morgana McCabe Allan Helped Laura Stronach Adams 6x Her Income And Manifest Her Dream Business

How Morgana helped Elena Saxton double her income, launch an aligned group program, own her success, and slay her inner doubts

Case Study – Clare Sente

Shame was crippling Clare’s business.


It took years for Clare to discover her purpose in life was to help women learn to love themselves and experience pleasure. Despite that calling she faced huge obstacles – a car wreck, a divorce, enormous credit card debt, COVID lockdowns, and losing her house – Clare knew she had to make her business work.

Morgana helped Clare identify exactly where her shame came from and how to release it. She showed Clare how to identify limiting beliefs and money mindset struggles and overcome them. After their work together, Clare was able to:


  • Release the shame holding her back
  • Create, launch, and fill a brand new program
  • Manifest $39,000 in a day
  • Have the best year in business ever

Let’s create your soul-driven, purpose-filled business – together

I saw a family friend the other day and she was like wow, you seem so different, so happy and relaxed and just glowing. And I immediately thought, that’s how Rachel seemed to me after her first month with you and exactly why I decided to work with you! <3
Marissa Waite

Marissa Waite Creative

Everything flows so much easier. I no longer have to do sales calls because they just feel so natural and my business is at the next level, so I’m really happy that I made the decision to work with her.
Gina Miller

Gina Fit Madrid

Hands down the best results I’ve ever gotten with a mentor has been working with Dr Morgana McCabe Allan. I’ve made more progress in my business in just 4 months working with her than I have in the last 6 years.

Malinda Watt

Web Designer