The Blog
is one of the many ways to get a sneak peek into my world.
The Pillars of Success You Can Feel
I talk a lot about safety, belonging and significance because these are the three foundational pillars to abundance you can feel. But they're not the only pieces of the puzzle. What building just has vertical pillars? Even the Parthenon, the most pillary, pillar thing...
Business Success & Scarcity in the Body
Scarcity in your being isn't always caused by your mindset. It's deeply connected to physical health too. And to your monthly cycle. After ovulation, as your body begins to do the work of depletion, it's incredibly common to feel scarcity in your body - even though...
How to own your inner genius in your business
Research commissioned by NASA found 98% of the population test at the level of creative genius at the age of 4 (Land, 2011.) The chances are you were a creative genius by the age of 4! Unfortunately, over the course of childhood, that number steadily drops, hitting...
The Dark Feminine & Wins
Sharing quick wins without context is standard practice for online business. But is it the best way to celebrate your clients, share your successes, and make more money when you’re in a service-based business? Sure, it attracts in new clients - who doesn’t want...
Revenge Bedtime Procrastination
At 36 I entered my Little Villain Era. A short intense period where I returned temporarily to a past self, with an unhealthy obsession with revenge. It was my most secret pleasure. Not revenge-revenge which, given some of the people in my past, might actually...
What To Do When Your Revenue Strategies Fail You
What to Do When Your Revenue Strategies Fail You Have you ever bought into a strategy that guarantees you’ll generate 10k and beyond, only to find that you need another strategy to compensate for the previous one you had? It’s totally normal. Yet it’s also...
How to Avoid Leaving Your Business
More often than you'd think, people leave apparently very successful businesses behind. Even 7+ figure ones. I's not because they can spend the rest of their lives rolling around in crisp new bills, like a chinchilla in a dust bath. More often, they’re walking...
How to Sell a Course before You Build It
Are you creating your course before you sell it? STOP. And listen... Whilst completely understandable, the desire to have your course perfectly ready before you sell could be hurting you and your clients. I’ve been there… Back in the stone age, PhD well...
Signs You’re Losing Your Audience to Fear and Shame-Based Marketing Tactics
Fear and shame-based marketing can creep up on you without warning. As a multiple published writer (poetry, short stories, academic articles, magazine articles, international no.1 bestseller), a former editor, an interdisciplinary PhD with research on shame, fear and...
Consent in Business is Not Optional
I'm done with what the gurus say about sales and pitching yourself. I was done a long time ago - I walked out of a sales job at 20 and paved my own way to incredible, aligned, feminine sales success that same year, selling my services at a rate equivalent to...
Consumers, Capitalism, and Money You Can FEEL
Are you constantly chasing the next new thing? The next platform? The next innovation? The next strategy? And always feeling a step behind, because there’s always someone who had it first, or grew their faster, or saw bigger results. What if the truth is that...
The WORST Mistake You Can Make
Ever wondered what the worst mistake I think you can make (based on my actual mistakes, of which there are SO SO many) actually is? It’s not walking home at 3am in a seriously dangerous part of Glasgow with £5k in your bag because you’ve just started as a...
“I saw a family friend the other day and she was like wow, you seem so different, so happy and relaxed and just glowing. And I immediately thought, that’s how Rachel seemed to me after her first month with you and exactly why I decided to work with you! <3”
“I’m just watching ‘this is your time’. It’s taking me ages because I’m taking so many notes. On the one about the panopticon at the moment. Soooooo interesting.”
“Hands down the best results I’ve ever gotten with a coach has been working with Dr Morgana McCabe Allan. I’ve made more progress in my business in just 4 months working with her than I have in the last 6 years.”