The Blog

is one of the many ways to get a sneak peek into my world.

A Letter to Someone who Makes Me Laugh

A Letter to Someone who Makes Me Laugh

Letter 3: To someone who makes me laugh Today in my 40 letters of reflection before 40, I write to my Brother (who makes me laugh), and reflecting on laughter in my business I love that nobody can laugh like us. I revel in the way that we laugh completely beyond words...

A Letter to Someone I Hurt

A Letter to Someone I Hurt

Letter 2: To someone I hurt. (This is a 20-year overdue letter to a beautiful, smart, lady love that never quite became, which turned into a reflection on how our pasts co-create the future, until we witness it, and one of the ways that impacts business). I’m so sorry...

“I saw a family friend the other day and she was like wow, you seem so different, so happy and relaxed and just glowing. And I immediately thought, that’s how Rachel seemed to me after her first month with you and exactly why I decided to work with you! <3”

Marissa Waite

Marissa Waite Creative

“I’m just watching ‘this is your time’. It’s taking me ages because I’m taking so many notes. On the one about the panopticon at the moment. Soooooo interesting.”

Katrina Lear

Freckle + Hide

“Hands down the best results I’ve ever gotten with a coach has been working with Dr Morgana McCabe Allan. I’ve made more progress in my business in just 4 months working with her than I have in the last 6 years.”

Malinda Watt

Web Designer

How Dr. Morgana McCabe Allan Helped Laura Stronach Adams 6x Her Income And Manifest Her Dream Business