I’m done with what the gurus say about sales and pitching yourself. I was done a long time ago – I walked out of a sales job at 20 and paved my own way to incredible, aligned, feminine sales success that same year, selling my services at a rate...
Are you constantly chasing the next new thing? The next platform? The next innovation? The next strategy? And always feeling a step behind, because there’s always someone who had it first, or grew their faster, or saw bigger results. What if the truth is that...
Ever wondered what the worst mistake I think you can make (based on my actual mistakes, of which there are SO SO many) actually is? It’s not walking home at 3am in a seriously dangerous part of Glasgow with £5k in your bag because you’ve just started as a...
The shackling of creativity How children name things they don’t have labels for: Woof Elf – chihuahua Bearoplane – bat Penguin Shark – killer whale Pocket rabbit – kangaroo Unicorn Mermaid – narwhal Sword Hippo –...
I have been through the darkest heart of me, pieces at a time, gradually returning to myself for as long as I can remember. The hurt and the pain. The fantasy and illusion. The need. The hopelessness. The idiocy of believing someone else could rescue me, only...