The Client:
Michelle Crowder-Soellner is a copywriter, consultant and copy mentor whose company, Conscientious Copy, works with independent thinkers to provide impact and integrity in their communications.
The Beginning:
‘We have these big dreams and then we’re like, oh, wait, but that’s not for people like me. But she helps you see that it is for you too.’
Michelle was just starting out in the online world with her copywriting business relatively embryonic when she met Morgana. She wasn’t charging a lot for her services and didn’t have the confidence to recognise the wealth of amazing experience and expertise she was offering to potential clients.
‘When I met Morgana, my business was less than six months old. And I had one client that I had charged like $50 for a project. ’
Though their relationship didn’t start out as coaching, Morgana noted the huge potential that Michelle had whilst they were working together and began connecting Michelle with future clients straight away. Morgana could see what Michelle’s business could become and through her coaching and ‘Manifesting Masters’ programme, she helped Michelle to realize this potential:
‘I met Morgana networking in a Facebook group, and we had what was supposed to be a copy chat that turned into a coaching call because that’s who she is. And I was very early into my business less than six months, and she was like, you’re not charging enough and you have all this great experience. And just from that conversation, I actually changed the name of my business.’
Right from the beginning, Morgana’s insight and critical questioning challenged Michelle to determine what she wanted her business to be:
‘I realized that as a copywriter, one thing that I wanted to do differently that I wasn’t seeing at the time was to really focus on marketing and language that did not use any kind of shame or fear, because what I was seeing was a lot that was intended to make people feel bad about themselves so that they would buy the product. And so that was something that was in me, but [Morgana] brought it out of me from that conversation.’
The Solution:
‘She created a community where it felt safe to share some deep things and be vulnerable about the things that we were manifesting in our lives.’
Morgana’s sensitive, individually tailored and aligned coaching ensured that Michelle was comfortable to share past trauma and to really dig deep where she needed to in order to heal and make progress professionally:
‘She feels like such a safe person. We live in completely different countries. I’ve only ever talked to her on Zoom, and I’ve told her more things than I’ve told some people that I live near, like some of my closest friends… it’s just a feeling that she’s a safe person that you can share things with…that’s just a quality she has.’
Michelle also found the tools that Morgana introduced her to on the program to be particularly transformational. Long past their period of coaching, Michelle employs the techniques of tapping, breathwork and meditation that she learned in ‘Manifesting Masters’ –
‘When my mind is like a jumble of emotions and I can’t figure out exactly what’s going on in there, tapping is a good way to identify, like, the core emotion. And so that’s really helpful. Breathwork was another thing that she introduced to me personally in ‘Manifesting Masters’ that I still use. And the Yoga Nidra session, for example, at the end of that, I felt so connected to each of those people, even though I had never met them in real life.’
Morgana’s magnetic ability to attract and connect pioneering female entrepreneurs within her program further encouraged Michelle to really share and challenged her to be even more expansive in her business ventures. Her confidence continued to grow in this safe, welcoming and inclusive space:
‘There were people who were at different levels of manifestation. A lot of us were coming from some backgrounds where the pain was a little more fresh for some things…But there was just something about those weekly meetings where we would share again, just like all over the world. She created a community where it felt safe to share some deep things and be vulnerable about the things that we were manifesting in our lives. Because you see things like, oh, ‘say it out loud. So it’ll be true.’ But there are some things that feel so big and scary that you’re not going to just share it with the whole world. But she created an environment where it felt safe to do that.’
The diverse and dynamic community that Morgana fosters also opened up further opportunities both personally and professionally for Michelle as she formed new supportive relationships within her hive and attracted new clients and impact to her business:
‘She would connect us within the community too. Like, if she felt like there might be some kind of collaboration or just things that we had in common. There were people in there who did become my clients and some of us, even if we don’t talk as much anymore, you’ll see, when we share big life news, all of us are like, ‘Yay, Congratulations!’ Like, we’re still cheering each other on.’
The Results:
‘I got what helped me become what that next level version of me was.’
One of the key benefits that Morgana enabled Michelle to manifest was a huge increase in her clients, both by Morgana making networking connections for her and organically via Michelle’s growing confidence in herself. As Michelle explains:
‘She’s wonderful at making connections. She does that for people whether they’re clients of hers or she’s their client, once you’re in her world, she’s just like always thinking, who can I connect this person with?’
This quality of Morgana’s had a notable impact for Michelle very early in their working relationship and formed the foundation of what her flourishing business is now:
‘After working with Morgana, she immediately introduced me to some of the other people in ‘Manifesting Masters’, and they hired me to write their website copy. And that was like my first big project. And then right after that, I had a series of projects because it was just like that little confidence boost that gave me enough to see, look, I can do it. And then she connected me with [my next client]. And we’re coming up on a year of working together now. He’s a very important client for me, and he has also referred me to several people. So working with those two people has been, like, the foundation of my business for the last year, and it’s given me freedom to take on a few smaller clients here and there.’
Since working with Morgana, Michelle is also able to be selective about her future clients owing to the bountiful opportunities she is presented with. Now, she chooses to work with soul aligned clients whose aims align with her ideals;
‘One thing I learned from Morgana is that it’s not necessarily about the project itself. It’s about whether the energy between me and the other person feels right. So even though I advertise more about the integration stuff, if a copywriting client comes my way and they’re just like the most wonderful person that I know that I can work with. And I’m like, yes, let’s do it.’
The reach of Morgana’s teaching goes well beyond Michelle’s business development however as this continues to impact her way of being even now. Morgana’s notable intellect and her ability to generate engaging and expansive resources provided Michelle with a toolkit that she can readily access at different stages in her ongoing entrepreneurial journey:
‘I just go back and review a lot of the stuff because [there are] some things that make more sense to me now…I got what I needed at the time. I got what helped me become what that next level version of me was. And now I can go back and say, oh, I can use these tools for the next level version of me.’
Ultimately, Michelle credits Morgana’s capacity to truly see – and then reveal – what others are capable of as the root of her success. Michelle’s online company is now her dream business in which she has abundant exciting opportunities to work with soul clients who bring her joy without the hussle and without the shame. She speaks of their serendipitous meeting so fondly and of Morgana in the highest regard:
‘As for Morgana herself, I described her one time as a mirror – like a magic mirror – where you really see yourself, but you’re also getting coached in the ways that you can be the best version of yourself. And it’s not like her telling you what to do, it’s just her seeing everything that you’re capable of and helping you believe that you’re capable of it. Because I think that’s the issue with a lot of people, too, is like, we kind of have these big dreams and then we’re like, oh, wait, but that’s not for people like me.’
In the end, Morgana’s targeted coaching and teaching empowered Michelle to silence her inner critic and have the courage to dream big and recognise the amazing potential residing within herself. In doing so, she manifested those big, brave dreams into a wonderfully abundant reality. As Michelle sums up – ‘she helps you see that it is for you, too.’